Episode 13: "Romance! Love's Magic is Sudden"

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NOOOOOOO comment. This outfit suits her _so_ well, it's SCARY...
"Eye of newt and toe of frog? Who WRITES these things?!" Meanwhile, Yuushi and Kokoru aren't fitting into their new job nearly as well...
Lucky so-and-so. Erumina's job is just to dust and sort the magic books. Notice that she keeps getting put around _books_ a lot...? (Funny when you consider that I jokingly compared her to Hermione Granger, in the last episode...)
Grenda's in LUV! Awww... And notice how the others actually SEE the little flowers and things that show up because of her feelings, and REACT to them? I love that, it's so funny! :) This show uses a LOT of anime cliches...but does so in such a way that I think it's actually making _fun_ of them, like how shows such as Animaniacs and Quack Pack do for Western-animation cliches. It's episodes like THIS that back up my theory. If they were _just_ using cliches to be lazy, they wouldn't have the characters _reacting_ to them in a humourous way. THAT shows that they know quite well what they are doing, and are doing it on purpose, with a sly little wink at the audience. Sort of a nudging of the fourth wall, you might say.
"Hello..." And the object of desire is a HUMAN, too! Gasp! Choke! Wheeze! Well, I mean, seriously--considering all the flack she gives poor Cube for _working_ for humans...this is quite a bit "worse", wouldn't you say?
"I think this could be...IT." says Kokoru as she and Yuushi gleefully watch Grenda make a total fool of herself.
Grenda the Potions-Mistress! Animal parts work better than plants, huh? Hey, Magrat...hate to tell you this, but... ;)
Tiptoeing through the tulips or whatever kind of flowers these are. Anyway, Grenda isn't normally the type to go "La la la la la!" through _any_ kind of flowers, is she...?
"Isn't it NEAT?!" Grenda is all proud because she caught a bug that's a magical ingredient.
"I mean, er, um...EEEWWW!! ICK!!" But then she remembers to act properly "feminine". And THEN Amphi says she's so cute. Gag me with a freaking fork, _now_. I wouldn't WANT a guy who only wants girls who are squeamish and giggly and weak...
You wish. Needless to say, he never actually said this...
"Of COURSE I'll marry you!" Boy, when this girl fantasizes, she doesn't kid around! Notice the dress--obviously, it's supposed to be a traditional wedding dress of Hell, but it's _not_ white. I _like_ that. Nice creative touch. (And also notice that Amphi's tuxedo IS white...I bring that up because _Cube_ wears a white tuxedo when you marry him (his other version) in Princess Maker 2. Is that the traditional _male_ outfit for a demon wedding...?)
"Um...hello...I'm over here!" In real life, Grenda is actually embracing a tree. Why does this remind me of a certain very nearsighted Chinese Amazon...?
"Or maybe it's fleas!" I agree with Erumina here...
Ah, throw 'em back, they're not keepers! Gaga takes his orders from the Princess VERY seriously.
EEEEK!! He kissed her! On the cheek, but _still_. Now, she can say that she HAS been kissed, and mean it...if only that "vacation" episode had happened a bit later... ;)
"Are you all right?" says a worried Amphi as, after the fact that she has just been kissed registers in her brain, Grenda first turns bright red, shoots smoke out of her ears, then just completely short-circuits and keels over. Yeah, I'd ask the other person if they were all right _too_, in that situation...
Meanwhile, back at the lab... This particular batch of potion didn't turn out too well, I take it.
"We want to help!" say her giggling friends, who think all of this is just TOO cute.
"It's too HEAVY!!" Well, Yuushi, you DID say that you would do ANYthing you could to help out...and from Grenda?--you should have _expected_ this kind of thing. :P
He went in here... While out carrying the heavy whatever, the girls see Amphi going into an inn, and quietly follow him.
So he wants the potion for HER, huh...? The innkeeper explains, when they ask (see how much information you can get by just ASKING nicely?) that Amphi has been staying at his inn for a month, trying to figure out how to cure this girl, "who is probably his sweetheart". Oh, poor Grenda...
Question: If he's been here for a MONTH, then...why did it take him so long to try looking for a potion at the magic shop that's RIGHT NEAR THE INN? I know, I know, I think about things too much...
Daddy's advice. Grenda consults Satan about magical ingredients, via a crystal ball.
The words all fathers of teenage daughters dread. "I want you to meet someone," says Grenda just before she "hangs up".
"Not..not a...BOYFRIEND????" He takes these things so CALMLY, doesn't he? Like the fetching little gold earrings, by the way. ;)
Ta-da! Grenda imagines Amphi dancing joyfully over to her as she presents him with not just one, but a whole PILE of thorn lizards.
"It's a one-way love..." says Erumina, as the friends trudge slowly back to the magic shop, feeling bad but knowing they have to tell Grenda the truth.
And then she'll write his name with hers all over her school notebooks... Grenda goes (literally) FLYING out the door past them in search of a "thorn lizard", and these pictures of Amphi are what the trio finds inside, on top of lots of potion ingredients notes. Oh, dear...
"I came to help, Miss." Look who's here! CUBE!!! (glomps him) Cube-sama! Oh, how I've missed you--er, why is everybody staring at me funny like that? Ahem. Anyway, he _will_ actually be useful...
"I just GOT here!" He never thought they'd need his services that _soon_...
So THAT'S how you say it... We've seen Cube do his little conjuring act many times by now, but this is the FIRST time one of the translators has actually bothered to _write down_ the magic words he says. Thank goodness _somebody_ finally did, because I was wondering...
"I got this off of Neo-Sorcoress Vadne." Cube explains how to use the "Come-to-the-Other" (said in English!), which frankly seems to be the coolest and most universally _useful_ magical item he's conjured yet. (Though I wouldn't mind the swallow-winged shoes or the mermaid costume that actually allows you to breathe underwater, either.)
You're awake, are you? The old wizard who runs this shop finally speaks, for the first time--to tell them where thorn lizards are usually found.
Grenda and Gaga mine all over the place, looking for a thorn-lizard's den.
Way to rip up the landscape. Gaga sort of has a point, here...
"OOF!!" Could we perhaps fine-tune the beaming coordinates a LITTLE better than that, Scotty?
"How DARE you do that to the Princess?" says a furious Gaga, after the impact of three different people knocked her unconscious.
Well, that's one way to shut him up. Angel my BUTT, she did that on PURPOSE! I swear! She can fly, so there's no reason at all to land _heavily_, she did so right in the middle of his back, right when he was yelling at them and lecturing--thereby breaking off words that they didn't want to hear--it was on PURPOSE! Lawful Good _right_, I've got your number, lady...(snicker)
So that's the way it is... Grenda takes in the news that Amphi wants the potion for his "sweetheart."
Awww... Her friends feel sorry for her.
But she's GOING to find it anyway! The Princess of Hell does NOT set out to do something, and then not do it; what kind of example would _that_ set?
"I know that sound...that's a BAD sound!" Everybody freezes in fear as the ground suddenly starts...rumbling..._never_ a good sign.
"GASP!!" Did they really _say_ "GASP!" in Japanese? If so, that's just too darn funny. "I'm trembling in unutterable consternation!" (giggle)
You wanted it..there it is! Upon actually _seeing_ a thorn lizard up close for the first time, Grenda has second (and third, and fourth, and fifth) thoughts.
Loyal servants to the rescue! Cube and Gaga toss magical potions at the lizard...(no explanation as to where they _got_ them from. Must've been stuff Grenda had with her in her pack, since Cube didn't do a conjuring act dealie.)
"All RIGHT!" they crow, as the potions hit their mark. By the way, that's how you say it: It's "all right", not "alright". The translator got it WRONG. (It's also "should HAVE" not "should OF", as was said in a translated line in episode 11...sigh...spelling/grammar ignorance and apathy on the 'net just disgusts me SO much...)
"It's useless. Thorn lizards are resistant to magic. says Erumina, coming by to rain on their parade.
Oh, no! They react with horror as the lizard glows for a second...then heads right straight back for them, completely unharmed!
Hang on, Grenda! Well, you know what they say...once you have a lizard by the tail, you don't dare let go...er, waitminute...
"But look! You did it!" It isn't until a bit after she's thrown off that Grenda realises she has taken the lizard's tail WITH her! (Ouch, poor lizard.)
Look, I made you some medicine! says Grenda, proudly presenting the finished potion to Amphi.
"Are you sure?" says Amphi in disbelief.
What did you say? His _sister_! By the way, I should say that I _knew_ she was his sister from the moment she was first shown; she just LOOKS way too much like him not to be related.
What I DIDN'T suspect...was what comes _next_. Bwahaha.
Will it work? The whole gang waits with bated breath to see if the potion does its job.
"Hi! I'm your new sister-in-law!" Sleeping Beauty awakes! And may I say, Grenda's getting a little ahead of herself here, since Amphi hasn't even _proposed_ yet...br> This is a GOOD thing?! His sister just turned into a _frog_...yet Amphi seems _happy_ about that! What the...?
Now there's a new twist on an old tale. The handsome Prince was actually a FROG! HA! I love it.
NANI?!! Yeah, that's about how I'd take it, too.
There's a frog NATION? The frogs explain the true story behind Ampherina's curse and Amphi's quest. By the way, you _do_ get, now, why his name is so gosh-darn EVIL...Amphi...AMPHIBIAN? Get it? GAHHHHH-_ROAN_!! And ya know, the first time I saw this...the name _never_ seemed suspicious at all...
Little late, I think. Oh, NOW he proposes... :P
She's perfectly fine with the idea. The Frog Princess graciously welcomes Grenda into the family. (Now THERE'S a rather extreme cross-species match...I mean, I can see it with Dragon-Boy from Princess Maker 2, who can turn into a humanoid form after ll, but THIS...? No.)
"NO!!!" Grenda just TOSSES them straight out the window. Can't say I entirely blame her.
Oh, well. The frogs are disappointed, but hey, at least they landed in a nice pond...
And so she wanders off into the sunset... but don't worry, this melancholy mood doesn't last long. Her father shows up a second later saying he HATES weddings, and she boots him into the stratosphere. (Bubba voice) She better. :P

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