Episode 5: "Memories--Flower Garden of Long Ago"

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"And one, and two, and ACK!!" Yuushi is, shall we say...not all that good at dance class, it seems...
"Today didn't go so well..." Yes, it's the farming job! A staple of the Princess Maker series. Here Yuushi unwisely attempts to put a shovelfull of soil that's much heavier than she can carry into a bucket, and instead knocks the bucket over. Um...oops?
(Question: If she gave herself that outfit with the pendant, which I assume she did (as opposed to Douglas-san giving it to her, as I doubt he has costumes around for farmhands that are that _small_)--then why doesn't the outfit _fit_ her properly...? Sorry, I just think about things too much.)
Waaaarrrrkk! No, it's not a Chocobo, but it's a weird large bird thing, so...(shrug) Anyway, here Yuushi tries to feed the...er... whatever-it-is, and it's so glad to see her it gives her a great big "kiss"! :P
"Time for dinner!" Papa and Cube attempt to welcome Yuushi home with a nice big home-cooked meal...
Splat...but poor, exhausted little Yuushi is far more interested in sleep than food at the moment.
"PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!" When Yuushi dozes off in class, dreaming about "her prince" that she met long ago, the teacher rudely awakens her with an eraser to the face. Hey...that's not very professional! (shakes finger) I mean, I can see _kids_ throwing erasers at each other, but _teachers_ aren't supposed to do that...
"EEEEE!! GET IT AWAAAAAYYY!! Yuushi is chased by a giant killer grasshopper! DUN DUN DUN!! Ah, get _over_ it, kid, the thing's a tiny fraction of your size! Just _moosh_ it! Sheesh...
Heart-to-heart talk. Yuushi and Kokoru have a nice chat on the hillside at sunset, and Yuushi tells her friend about how much trouble she's having at the gardening job. Kokoru says that she'll be coming by to help out tomorrow, and to cheer up.
"My hero!"From Yuushi's flashback--the Prince, seen here as a young boy, saves Chibi-Yuushi from a wolf, in the forest.
Awww... Yuushi and "her prince" meet face-to-face for the first time, in the flashback.
Pretty I just had to take this shot of the sunset, it was so pretty.
"Come on, fight me! I can take ya!" Meanwhile, back in the present, it seems that Kokoru's pep talk worked a little TOO well. :P
"Errrggh..." Kokoru doesn't make much of a gardener, as it turns out...
"Mistress, why do I have to do this?!"...but Cube makes even LESS of one. (Is it just me, or does it look like he's about ready to start using those shears on something other than plants...what with that expression on his face. Hee hee.)
"We can do it! Right, team?" Yuushi and Kokoru give an enthusiastic "YAY!" and pump their fists into the air. The far _less_ enthused Cube manages to get his hand sort of up, and does a rather duller, flatter "yay". (For some reason, the tone of voice he said it in reminded me of that one bit in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"-"And there was MUCH rejoicing!" (flat, dully) "Yay.")
But this is a "binocular effect" shot...just _who_ is watching the three...?
"They seem to be happy..." Why, it's Gaga and Grenda, of course. Grenda came all the way over here, ditched her own part-time job, just to see Yuushi being exhausted and humiliated...and now she feels like she wasted her time, because Yuushi looks happy instead. Ha-ha!
"I don't want to be GOOD at this stupid job!" Grenda, in her frustration, rips a weed straight out of the ground with no effort (Yuushi has to pull so hard she falls over on her butt every time, if that gives you an idea of the difference between the two girls' strength) and Farmer Douglas comes by to congratulate her (Grenda) on how good she is at it. (Pulling weeds, not falling on her butt! :P) Grenda makes the mistake of shooting her mouth off about how WONDERFUL she is at EVERYthing, being the Princess of Hell after all, and before you can say "What happened here?" she's been put into a farmer's outfit and is pulling weeds as her job.
"You look a bit scary, though..." says Cube, half in awe, half in fear, at the ferocious way Grenda attacks the weeds. (This causes Gaga to of course then rip into Cube yet again, and this time, he says that Cube didn't just leave Hell, but "the Princess", specifically. HMMMMmmm....! (scribbles that down in her mental notes) Innnnteresting...)
Every farmer's worst nightmare It's a locust swarm! Aaaack! No! Actually plauges of locusts are called "plauges" because they _are_ just that...they leave practically nothing (plant) behind in their wake. Really _really_ bad news.
"If you use this, any bug will run away." Cube explains how to use the "Triad's Gem of Light".
"Take THIS!" Yuushi, flying on the weird bird-thing from earlier, tosses down one of the light-gems (Cube actually conjured a whole bagfull) at the swarm below. You know, I'll bet LOTS of people take temp farming jobs that DON'T end up with flying through the sky on a prehistoric lizard-bird thing and tossing down magical gems at a locust swarm...
"Get away from my flowers!" Meanwhile, down on the ground, Farmer Douglas, Kokoru, and Cube all fight off the swarm as best they can.
"And just where were YOU all this time?!" That's right, now that I come to think of it... Grenda and Gaga didn't do a single _thing_ to help fight the swarm! Look how just plain _angry_ Cube is, in this shot. Not only does he have his hand in a fist, but it was _twitching_! Polite, subservient (most of the time!) little Cube, openly _pissed off_ at his Princess, right in front of her...wow, he's changed a bit, since the original game...
"Wowww..." Finally the flowers bloom, right at sunset...they're a rare breed called "Sunset Bright". The group stands together in a row and soaks up the beauty. Grenda, of course tries to pretend that she's not moved at all...but Gaga had tears in his eyes!
Sleepy-bye This time, BOTH Yuushi and Cube fall asleep when they get home, and they don't manage to even make it to their beds first. Awww...the poor widdle fings! (musses their hair)

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