Episode 19: "We Will Serve You! Our Master is Henkutsu-Sama."

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Well, LOOK who's finally here! (And looking very contrite, too.)
Nice little shack... The mansion at which the girls are working today--their next Platina Curriculum job has them working as maids at an eccentric nobleman's house.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Grenda is being forced to wash dishes! GASP!
FATHER?! Upon being sent in to clean Rockwell's private study, for a moment Erumina sees her father, the King of Heaven, sitting in that chair.
Rockwell-sama. But of course it's not. I _can_ see a bit of resemblance in the features, though, actually...
Hung out to dry. Yuushi and Helen, Rockwell's _real_ maid, discuss how easy the Master is to get along with (or not) as they hang up the laundry together.
Wowee... Not only does she clean up his entire study before he's even done yelling at her to "get started already", but _reorganizes_ it to be more efficient, too. (By genre? More like by _colour_. :P I don't know about you, but all of _my_, say, for an example...science-fiction books aren't the same colour. I know...nitpick, nitpick...)
And a nice cup of tea, too. I like chammomile, too, which I do believe the translator spelled wrong. ;)
Gee, and a big hearty 'thank you' to you, too. A big thing of this episode is about how Rockwell is so strict and unreasonable, so I thought I should get a screenshot of him _acting_ that way. (shrug)
ATTACK that floor, Yuushi! Yuushi enthusiastically gets ready to mop the floor...
...a little TOO enthusiastically. She slips, flies into the air, does a full flip, and lands on her head. Way to go...
"What the...?" Meanwhile, over in the bedroom, Kokoru doesn't do much better with making the beds, either. (She throws the sheet into the air a little TOO hard and it comes down _over_ her. :P)
That's cheating! And Grenda, meanwhile, seems to have watched "Fantasia" way too many times. (snicker)
Serve you right! The broom tries to sweep HER up! (And is it a Maxwell's Demon Stone-Powered broom? Sorry, sorry...)
Grenda brings up a good point here. Hmm...
One locked room... Why does this make me think of certain fairy tales? (Like, "You may go into any room in the house you wish, but whatever you do, do NOT ever enter the room at the end of the west hallway!" kind of a thing.)
But not any more. Grenda doesn't mess about with keys or lock-picks. ;)
Who's this? A picture of a mysterious girl on the wall. By the way, this is gonna sound odd, considering that Yuushi just said she was "beautiful", but...if you've ever wondered what your webmistress, Regina, looks like in REAL life...this girl is...awfully...darn...close. I'm not kidding. That's pretty much what an anime version of me would look like. I even have a DRESS almost exactly like that! (Only mine doesn't have buttons down the white part.) The _one_ time I had a professional, formal, expensive "glamour-shot" type photograph taken...I just happened to be wearing that exact dress, too. Make the hair maybe a LITTLE darker, add glasses...and you'd pretty much have an anime version of me. I don't think I'm beautiful, but she DOES look like me...
"GET OUT!" The Master is not at all happy to see them in here.
The story behind the picture. Helen tells the girls the story of the woman in the painting--she's Rockwell's estranged daughter, Sheena, and she ran away from home because her father was far too strict with her. She's been gone for ten years...
"I have never seen my father's smiling face..." An overly strict father, hmm, now let's see...WHO here could totally identify with that...?
"I am not wrong." says Rockwell, storming out of the rose-garden after Erumina suggests that he just let more roses grow, instead of trimming them (which is what Sheena also said, long ago.)
They deserve a break today. ;) Yuushi and Grenda, exhausted from carrying heavy bundles of firewood, flop down on the floor for a quick breather.
Suddenly, a bundle of wood comes _floating_ past them! Who could be doing that...?
Why, it's CUBE! WAITAMINUTE, since when can he do REAL magic?! Has he been _hiding_ that ability all this time? INteresting...("real" magic meaning: from himself, from his own internal power, rather than just using _outside_ magical OBJECTS, as he's been doing up until now.)
More efficient? HMPH! Yuushi and Grenda are NOT happy about Helen's comment. I especially like Yuushi's bug-eyes in this picture. :P
And guess who ELSE is here? And just as tiresome about how a "true servant" should act, as ever...
So much so, that he puts them all to sleep. Cube especially has such a _graceful_ pose, doesn't he? :P
(AOL Guy Voice) "Wel-come. You've got mail!" (Oh, come on, how many of you who are on the 'net in this day and age DIDN'T think of that when you saw that line? :P)
It's from...the daughter! And this time, Sheena is writing to her father himself...(she's been in contact with Helen for quite a while, secretly.)
Commercial bumper. In this one, the King of Heaven is watching a tape of his daughter's dance recital, and nervously asks if the audience caught him doing that, at the end.
Maybe it's good news...? Yuushi is hopeful.
AAAA! He threw it in the FIREPLACE! Without even reading it first! Hey...!
"Even MY father is better than him!" says Grenda, as they wash the dishes the next day. (Well, yeah...I mean, Satan is not really a bad guy in this show; a bit clueless, but basically decent. And he treats Grenda really kindly...TOO kindly, as she turned out spoiled to death.)
Meanwhile, the servants "huddle" together behind the counter and try to figure out what to do.
Even Kokoru is outwardly angry! This is very strong language, for her. I mean she practically NEVER comes right out and insults anybody...
The lonely father... Erumina catches Rockwell looking at the painting of his daughter, when he thinks nobody is watching him, and decides to Take Action.
Wait...do you mean...? Yes, that's right, those are the ashes of the letter from the fireplace. (Technically they should be the ashes of EVERYthing that was in the fire place, which means the spell would restore some weird mangled mass that is the letter stuck halfway inside a log or something, but hey... :P)
Cube comes through yet again. The Mermaid's Tear...carry this with you when you vacation at the beach, and...nonono waitaminute ;)--in THIS version, it's a magic potion that can restore anything, but only temporarily.
Will it work...? The girls watch as the Mermaid's Tears do their stuff.
Here you go. Whether you wanted it or not. Erumina quietly places the letter upon his desk.
The others listen to find out how he will react to this.
"You FOOL!" And the answer is: not well.
He's afraid that the news might be bad... After some yelling and trying to leave the room (upon which Erumina said "Do not run away", and words like "run" are just GUARANTEED to push buttons, especially with a guy like _this_), Rockwell finally admits that he's _afraid_ to read the letter...and asks Erumina to read it out loud for him.
"Dear father..." Erumina starts to read the letter.
Oh! She hits what's evidently a bad part, and stops for a moment, in shock...Rockwell tells her to continue.
Our paths can never cross again... Oh, geez...(sniff)
And the letter concludes. It's sad...and it's about what Rockwell expected, unfortunately. (Geez, I'd at least give him a CHANCE, anyway...come by to say goodbye in _person_, at least...)
Your smiling face will forever be in my memories. The letter actually said something about how Sheena had never seen her father's smiling face, but Erumina made up a little "P.S." that would help take a bit of the sting away.
And it returns to the ashes from whence it came. The letter dissolves away as the spell wears off.
"You work excellently as a maid...but I am afraid you do not know how to lie." Rockwell saw straight through her, of course.
Is it okay to come in...? The others peek quietly around the door.
And they find this. Erumina just cuts loose SOBBING and flings herself into Rockwell's arms. Oh, dear... this has got to be one of the saddest/most touching pictures in the whole show. (Yes, I'm a sentimental wimp who cries at every single even remotely tear-jerking part (if written effectively; I don't cry at CHEESY, overdone "supposed-to-be-sad" stuff)...you got a problem with that?)
Inspired by the recent events, Erumina decides to write a letter to her _own_ father.
Awww... And here, he _does_ smile for her.
Meanwhile, back at the school... What could Queen Erisel be doing with the Eternal Tiara...?
THAT'S what! Why, giving Beth the Test of Light, of course! She's gotta "catch up" to the other four...

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